Bryant-Ritter Hewitt Electric Corporation has successfully performed numerous traffic and roadway electrical projects for Virginia’s Departments of Transportation. BRH provides integrated traffic control systems, general roadway lighting, signal controls, traffic cameras, ITS, telecom cable installation, excavation, conduits, bridge and tunnel lighting and electrical work.

- Signal Poles & Mast Arms
- Signal Pole Foundations, Excavation, Concrete, Testing
- Signal LED Heads & Wiring
- Signal Controller & Wiring
- Signal & Roadway Cameras
- Signal Loops & Sensors
- Signal UPS Cabinet
- Electric Power Service
- Concrete Work Including Collars for Underground Junction Boxes, Handicap Ramps, Curb – Sidewalk Removal & Replacement
- Traffic Control per MUTCD & Virginia Work Area Protection Manual
- Traffic Signal Inner-connect Conduit and Wiring, Trenching and Backfill
- Roadway Lighting Poles, Fixtures, Bases
- Roadway Lighting Excavation, Conduit & Wiring
- Bridge and Tunnel Work